What to Put in a Puppy Crate at Night – 5 Essential Supplies!

Are you wondering what to put in a puppy crate at night? Get all the essential supplies you need for successful crate training your puppy with this guide.
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Crate training for puppies is essential for healthy and safe nighttime sleeping habits. But do you know what you should and should not put in the puppy crate at night?

This article will provide you with all the information about what to put in a puppy crate at night and why it is important for your pup’s safety and comfort.

From the essentials such as a warm and comfortable bed or pillow to things to avoid such as food and water bowls, you will learn the best practices for keeping your pup happy and safe when you can’t be with him at night.

Let’s get started.

What to Put in a Puppy Crate at Night

what should i put in my dog's crate at night

Having a puppy can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also present some challenges. One of the most important considerations for a new puppy owner is what to put in the puppy’s crate at night.

In the next paragraphs, we will provide a list of essential supplies that should be placed in a puppy’s crate for them to have a comfortable and safe night’s sleep. 

1. Dog Bed or Pillow

When it comes to getting your puppy comfortable in their crate at night, one of the most important items you can purchase is a high-quality, comfortable dog bed or pillow. This will provide your pup with a soft, warm, and inviting place where they can snuggle up and sleep.

A good dog bed should be made of durable materials that are designed to stand up to wear and tear, as well as offer breathability, comfort, and warmth.

It should also be thick enough to provide good cushioning and orthopedic support, but not so thick that your puppy can’t move around. If you opt for a pillow, make sure to select one that is specifically designed for dogs and is made of durable material.

In addition to providing comfort, the right dog bed or pillow can also help your puppy feel secure and protected in its crate. This feeling of security will translate into fewer crate-related accidents and better sleep.

If you choose a bed that is too large, this could actually lead to your pup feeling exposed, which could make crate training more difficult.

Finally, be sure to take the size and weight of your puppy into account when selecting a bed or pillow. That way, you won’t have to worry about them outgrowing it in the near future.

2. Crate Cover

Crate covers are a great way to help your puppy feel safe and secure while they sleep in their crate at night. Not only do they provide a sense of privacy, but they can also help block out light and noise, helping your puppy to feel more settled.

When choosing a crate cover, make sure it fits securely over the crate and is made from a breathable fabric that won’t trap heat . If your puppy enjoys the dark and quiet, try incorporating a weighted blanket or stuffed toy for extra comfort.

3. Chew Toys

Chew toys are essential for a puppy’s development and should be placed in their crate at night. Not only do chew toys provide psychological stimulation, but they can also help prevent destructive behavior.

It’s important to remember to buy high-quality toys for your pup, as cheaper toys may contain toxins or hazardous materials that can be harmful to your pup’s health. Chew toys can be made of rubber, rope, plush, or even natural materials, like antlers.

While you should stay away from toys that are too small and can be swallowed, toys that are designed specifically for chewing can help soothe your pup’s gums and ease the pain of teething.

Chew toys also help divert your pup’s attention away from other objects in the house and provide a safe outlet for their chewing needs.

4. Night Light or White Noise Machine

When it comes to setting up a puppy crate for bedtime, many owners choose to include either a night light or a white noise machine. A night light can provide a source of illumination for the puppy, which can help them to feel more comfortable and secure.

Alternatively, some owners opt for a white noise machine as it can help to drown out external noises that could startle the puppy, providing them with a sense of safety and security.

Ultimately, the choice between a night light and a white noise machine should be tailored to the individual needs of the puppy.

5. Toy With a Virtual Heartbeat and Warmable Insert

The new toy with a virtual heartbeat and warmable insert is the perfect addition to any puppy’s crate at night. This toy provides the calming sensation of a heartbeat that reassures the pup that it is not alone.

The warmable insert helps to provide a comforting warmth and relaxation to the pup in its crate. This toy is sure to be a hit with any puppy who needs a cozy place to rest at night.

Things to Avoid Putting in Your Puppy’s Crate at Night

How do I make my puppy feel comfortable in his crate at night

When getting your pup used to sleeping in a crate at night, it is important to remember that there are certain items that should be avoided. Blankets, towels, and other soft items can create a hazardous environment as they can easily become tangled around your pup’s neck or get stuck in their airway.

It is important to also avoid putting food or water in the crate overnight. This can cause messes that could bother your puppy and could attract pests. Instead, consider providing your pup with a comfortable bed or mat and making sure they have access to fresh food and water during the day.

1. Blankets, Towels, and Sheets

Owners of puppies should avoid putting blankets, towels, and sheets in their pup’s crate at night for safety reasons. Soft items can easily become tangled around the pup’s neck or stuck in its airway, creating a hazardous environment. Additionally, they can also become a distraction and encourage the pup to play or chew on them, which can be disruptive to their sleep. Providing a comfortable bed or mat instead is a much safer and better option for your pup.

2. Water Bowl

One essential thing to keep in mind when considering what to put in a dog crate at night is to avoid putting water in the crate. This can lead to accidents and messes, creating a stressful situation for both the puppy and its owner.

Additionally, leaving a bowl of water in the crate can encourage the puppy to drink excessively before bed, leading to a need to go out during the night and disturbing their sleeping schedule.

By avoiding water in the puppy’s crate, owners can ensure that their pet is able to sleep comfortably and without disruption.

3. Food Bowl

Putting a food bowl in a puppy’s crate at night is something that should be avoided. Not only can this lead to messes and disruption, but it can also attract pests and cause the puppy to overeat before bed. This can lead to discomfort and restlessness, which can make it hard for the puppy to get a good night’s sleep.

Owners should make sure to feed their pup during the day and keep food away from their crate at night to ensure that their pup gets a good night’s rest.

Tips for Easing Your Puppy’s Transition to The Crate

German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois Mix puppy - Malinois X
  1. Start by getting your puppy used to the crate in short intervals, gradually increasing the time that they spend in it.
  2. Put something familiar and comforting inside their crate, like a toy or blanket, so that they have something to focus on while they’re inside.
  3. Give treats or special rewards when they enter their crate voluntarily, to associate it with positive experiences.
  4. Don’t force your puppy into their crate; instead, make it something that they want to do and reward them for it.
  5. Make sure the crate is comfortable for your puppy and that it’s not too large for them; otherwise, they may feel overwhelmed or have too much room to roam around in.
  6. Don’t leave your dog unattended in its crate for long periods of time; allow them to relax in its own space for a few minutes before you release them.

Tips for Placing Items in Your Puppy’s Crate

What to Put in Puppy Crate at Night
  • Choose a crate that is big enough to accommodate your puppy’s size and growth.
  • Add a few safe toys or chews to keep your pup entertained while in the crate.
  • Provide an area rug or mat that is large enough for your puppy to lay down on.
  • Make sure any items placed inside the crate are safe for young puppies, such as no small objects that could be swallowed. 
  • Place a few treats in the crate so that your pup has something positive associated with it.
  • Put something that smells like you, such as an old t-shirt, in the crate to help your puppy feel secure and safe.
  • Make sure there is plenty of ventilation and light in the crate. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

Creating a comfortable environment for your puppy in his crate at night is essential for his well-being and development. To ensure a peaceful night for both you and your pup, fill the crate with a few familiar items such as a soft blanket, a chew toy, or an old shirt that smells like you to provide your puppy with comfort and security.

You can also add a gentle night light to make the crate feel more inviting and give your pup some reassurance during the night.

With these simple additions, you can make the crate feel like a safe and secure place that your puppy will be happy to sleep in.

When it comes to leaving food bowls in puppy crates at night, there is a debate as to whether it is safe or not. While leaving food in the crate can be beneficial for puppies if they wake up hungry in the middle of the night, some experts suggest that it can also lead to behavior issues such as resource guarding.

It’s important to consider these factors before deciding whether or not to leave food in the crate.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the food bowl is securely fastened and that the puppy cannot tip it over or knock it over, as this could lead to messes and potential health hazards.

The best place to place your dog’s crate the first night is in an area of your home that is quiet and away from high-traffic areas. If possible, put the crate in a corner of a room to create a sense of security and privacy. Make sure the area is well-ventilated and free of drafts.

Additionally, try to move the crate around the house every few days to get your puppy or dog used to different sounds and environments. Finally, if your pup is not accustomed to being in the crate, it may be helpful to start by leaving the crate door open and gradually closing it over time as your pup becomes more comfortable.

When it comes to what toys to put in your dog’s crate at night, the most important factor is safety. Non-toxic, chew-resistant toys are great options, such as rope or rubber toys. Avoid small pieces that can be swallowed and hard plastic that can damage your pup’s teeth.

Soft plush toys are great for snuggling and can provide comfort but make sure they are securely sewn together and free of any strings or eyes that could pose a choking hazard.

While it’s important to give your pup something to do in their crate at night, it is even more important to ensure that the items you choose are safe and secure.

Creating a comfortable and secure space for your puppy to sleep at night is an important part of their development. One of the most common questions asked by new puppy owners is whether or not to put a bed in the crate at night.

Generally, it is recommended that you put a bed in your puppy’s crate, as this will create a more secure and comfortable sleeping environment for them. Make sure that the bed fits perfectly inside the crate, is made from soft and comfortable materials, and is properly cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.

By providing your puppy with a safe, comfortable sleeping area, you are helping to foster healthy growth and development.

When it comes to providing the safest environment for your puppy when left in their crate the first few nights, it is important to consider the items that you provide. In regards to a water bowl, experts advise against leaving a filled water bowl in the crate overnight as puppies may accidentally tip or spill it, leading to potential safety concerns.

It is recommended that you provide your puppy with fresh water during the day and then remove it before bedtime. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the crate is large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lay down without being cramped or uncomfortable.

Using a crate cover for your puppy’s crate can be an effective way to ensure a good night’s sleep. Not only does it create a cozy den-like atmosphere, but it also helps muffle outside noise and block out light, allowing your pup to settle in easier.

When selecting a cover, look for one made of lightweight material that is easy to clean and comfortable enough that it won’t cause any irritation.

Additionally, make sure to choose a cover that is not too thick or bulky so it won’t trap heat or reduce ventilation. Finally, look for covers with secure fasteners that will keep the cover in place and allow your pup to move comfortably without getting tangled up.

Ensure that whatever you use to cover the crate, you never block off all sides and that there is ample airflow.

Having a comfortable and secure sleep environment can help ensure your puppy gets the rest he needs to grow and thrive. When setting up a crate for your puppy at night, be sure to include a cozy and supportive bedding for him to lie on.

You may also want to consider adding some toys, such as a stuffed animal or chew toy, to keep your dog entertained and occupied.

Additionally, make sure to place the crate in a quiet area of the house so that he can rest undisturbed. With the right setup, you can help your dog have a peaceful and restful sleep in his crate each night.

When it comes to bedding for your puppy’s crate at night, there are several options. It is important to choose something that is comfortable, safe, and easy to clean.

Soft fabric beds are a popular choice, as they provide the puppy with a comfy spot to sleep and can be easily washed. Make sure to keep the bedding clean and replace it if it becomes soiled or worn out.

Additionally, consider adding a few toys or treats to provide the puppy with some mental stimulation and comfort in the crate.

When it comes to deciding whether or not to put your 8-week-old puppy in a dog crate at night, there are many factors to consider. If you decide to crate your pup, it is important to choose the right type of crate for them.

A wire crate is often recommended as they provide plenty of ventilation and visibility, while still providing a safe and secure environment for your pup. Additionally, it is best to keep your puppy’s crate in your bedroom so that they can feel close to you and be comforted by your presence.

This will also help them adjust more quickly when it comes time for bedtime. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to put an 8-week-old puppy in a crate at night is up to you and should be based on what works best for both you and your pup.

Puppies should not have access to water in their crate at night, as this can lead to potty concerns. It is recommended that you provide your puppy with fresh water during the day and then remove it before bedtime.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the crate is large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lay down without being cramped or uncomfortable.

This will ensure that your puppy has a safe and comfortable space to sleep in during the night.

When crate training your puppy, it is important to remember that at 9 weeks old, the puppy should not be left in the crate for more than 3-4 hours at a time. This means that if you plan to put your puppy in a dog crate at night, it should not be left in there for longer than 4 hours.

It is also important to make sure that the crate is comfortable and secure, with plenty of toys and blankets inside so that your pup can settle down and feel safe.

Make sure to provide enough space for them to move around and stretch out, as well as enough toys or chews to keep them occupied while they are in the crate.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your 9-week-old puppy will have a safe and comfortable night’s sleep in their crate.

Putting your puppy in a crate for the first night can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

Start by introducing your puppy to the crate in a positive way. Place treats and toys in the crate and let your puppy explore it at their own pace.

Once they are comfortable with the crate, you can start feeding them their meals inside of it. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences.

When it is time for bed, place some treats and toys inside the crate and give your puppy some quiet time in there before you turn off the lights.

Make sure to check on them throughout the night to make sure they are comfortable and not feeling anxious or scared.

With patience and consistency, your pup will soon learn that their crate is a safe space where they can relax and feel secure.

When it comes to crate training a puppy, the general rule of thumb is that you should keep them in the crate at night until they reach adulthood. This is because puppies need to be taught how to control their bladder and bowel movements, and this can take some time.

During this period, keeping them in a crate at night will help them learn when it’s time to go outside and do their business. Once your puppy has reached adulthood, you can stop putting them in the crate at night if you feel comfortable doing so.

However, if your dog is still having accidents or displaying destructive behaviors, then it may be best to continue with the crate training for a bit longer.


Things to Avoid Putting in Your Puppy's Crate at Night

In conclusion, when it comes to putting items in a puppy crate at night, the best items to include are a soft dog bed, a few toys, and a few treats.

This will help ensure that your puppy is comfortable and secure when spending time in their crate.

Additionally, it is important to remember that puppies should not be crated for more than 3-4 hours at a time and that you should practice crate training with your puppy in order to ensure a successful experience.

We appreciate you taking the time to read our article about items that can be used in a puppy crate at night. We hope you found the information here useful and informative.

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Housam Ayouni
Housam Ayouni

I am a professional in the field of canine behavior and care with many years of experience. Through my dog blog, which has reached over one million dog owners, I offer practical tips and guidance to support dog owners in creating strong, positive relationships with their pets and promoting the well-being and happiness of all dogs. My goal is to help dog owners create a harmonious and fulfilling life with their furry companions.

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