
Housam Ayouni

Hi there! My name is Housam Ayouni, I’m Italian, and I am the proud owner of two beautiful dogs – a Border Collie and a Belgian Malinois. As someone who has always had a deep love for dogs, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to my site, where I hope to share my knowledge, experience, and passion with others.

I have a passion for dogs that is evident in everything I do. I have always been drawn to their intelligence, loyalty, and unique personalities. Over the years, I have dedicated myself to learning as much as I can about canine care and behavior, and I am constantly seeking out new ways to improve my skills and knowledge.

As a volunteer in dog shelters in Italy and Spain, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of dogs, from puppies to seniors, and I have learned a great deal about how to approach and handle different breeds and temperaments. I have also developed a deep understanding of the challenges that many dogs face, and I am committed to helping them overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

In addition to my personal experience with dogs, I also have professional knowledge and expertise in the field. I have completed numerous online and offline courses on dog training and behavior, and I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow. 

I believe that my education and qualifications, combined with my passion and dedication to dogs, make me a reliable and trustworthy source of information and guidance for others who love and care for their canine companions.

I understand that every dog is unique, and that every owner has their own set of concerns and needs. That’s why I strive to be empathetic and understanding of my readers, and to offer support and guidance whenever possible. 

I believe that by sharing my own personal experiences and expertise, I can help others provide the best possible care for their dogs, and build strong and rewarding relationships with their furry friends.

In addition to my work as a dog blogger, I’m also an avid traveler and lover of different cultures. I speak several languages and enjoy documenting my adventures through photography. But no matter where I go or what I’m doing, dogs will always be my favorite thing in the world

Thank you for visiting my site and joining me on this journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - What Breed is My Dog How to Identify ANY Dog Breed - Is my dog a pure breed (4)

Do you have questions? Here are the answers you might have been looking for.

I have always had a deep love for dogs and have dedicated myself to learning as much as I can about canine care and behavior. I have also volunteered in dog shelters in Italy and Spain, where I have had the opportunity to work with a wide range of dogs. I have completed numerous online and offline courses on dog training and behavior.

Thecollienois.com is a comprehensive dog blog that covers a wide range of topics related to dog care and ownership. As a responsible dog owner with over six years of experience raising and nurturing my own two dogs, I strive to share my knowledge and insights with others through this blog.

From discussing the importance of proper dog nutrition and grooming to providing tips on how to maintain the health and well-being of your furry friend, Thecollienois.com aims to be a reliable and trustworthy resource for all things dog-related.

Whether you are a seasoned dog owner or a first-time pet parent, you can count on Thecollienois.com to provide valuable insights and recommendations that will help you create a happy and healthy life for your dog.

As an Italian speaker, English is not my first language and I may make mistakes while trying to convey my message. If you notice any errors, please do not hesitate to let me know so that I may correct them. I am committed to presenting my thoughts and ideas as clearly and accurately as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

No, I am not a veterinarian neither I appreciate making any diagnosis or starting any treatment plan without veterinarian consultation.

Information you read or see on Thecollienois.com is for information purpose only and is by no means a substitute for medical advice.

Thecollinois.com generates revenue by participating in several affiliate programs. When you buy through these affiliate links, your purchase earns us a small commission.

With that revenue, we keep our mission of helping out the dog parents worldwide with trustworthy tips going.

But the revenue we generate comes to us at no additional cost to you.

The dog products, training resources, or tools I recommend on Thecollienois.com are based on my personal experience or intense research.

I NEVER put your dog’s wellbeing at risk by proposing unsafe products.

Disclaimer! The information shared on the website is not a substitute for veterinary care.

As someone who has always had a deep love for dogs, I am constantly seeking out new opportunities to learn and expand my knowledge about these amazing animals.

From studying dog training and psychology to staying up to date on the latest developments in dog health, I am committed to becoming an expert in all things dog-related.

The motivation to share my knowledge and experiences with others led me to start a blog about dogs. Through my blog, I have been able to share my stories and insights in the form of written content and beautiful dog photography.

It has become a passion of mine and a wonderful venture that allows me to connect with other dog lovers and make a positive impact in the lives of dogs and their owners.

As the owner of Thecollienois.com, my goal is to share the knowledge and insights that I have gained from my personal experience as a dog owner with others.

Through my blog, I aim to educate and guide other dog owners on topics that are of interest and importance to them. My focus is on providing valuable information and resources that will help dog owners improve their understanding of dog care and enhance their relationships with their furry companions.

Whether you are looking for tips on how to groom your dog, want to learn more about canine nutrition, or simply want to connect with other dog lovers, Thecollienois.com is here to help you navigate the world of dog ownership and make the most of your time with your beloved pet.

Through my blog, I aim to connect with other dog owners by sharing my personal experiences and struggles in managing the daily needs and challenges of my own dogs.

For example, if your dog is experiencing nutritional deficiencies, you may be able to relate to my own experiences and find guidance and inspiration in how I tackled the issue through a BARF diet.

By sharing these types of experiences, I hope to create a sense of connection and understanding with others who are facing similar challenges as dog owners.

Whether it’s dealing with a particular health issue or simply trying to navigate the ups and downs of day-to-day life with a pet, we are all in this together, and I believe that by sharing our stories, we can support and learn from one another.

Thecollienois.com covers a wide range of topics related to dog care and ownership, including:

  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Sleep habits and accommodation
  • Alone time and separation
  • House training and basic obedience
  • Grooming and hygiene
  • Recommended foods, treats, and products
  • Training and behavior modification
  • Puppy training and socialization
  • Dog sports and activities
  • Dealing with common issues such as bad behaviors, ticks, fleas, and allergies

By providing information and guidance on these and other important topics, Thecollienois.com aims to help dog owners make informed decisions that are in the best interests of their pets.

Whether you are a first-time pet owner or an experienced dog lover, you can count on Thecollienois.com to provide the insights and resources you need to create a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for your furry friend.

While I may not have decades of professional experience as a dog expert, I am not someone who lacks knowledge or understanding when it comes to canine care and behavior.

On the contrary, I am dedicated to studying dogs exhaustively and constantly seeking out new ways to improve my understanding of these amazing animals. The advice and information I provide on Thecollienois.com is based on my personal experiences as a dog owner, as well as my ongoing efforts to learn as much as I can about dogs and their needs.

Whether you are looking for guidance on training and behavior, tips on how to care for your dog, or simply want to learn more about the fascinating world of dogs, you can trust that the information I share on Thecollienois.com is reliable, accurate, and based on a genuine love and appreciation for these amazing creatures.

At Thecollienois.com, we strive to be a comprehensive and inclusive resource for all things dog-related.

While I do have a particular focus on the breeds that I personally own and know well – Border Collies and Belgian Malinois – I strive to serve the needs of all dog owners, regardless of breed.

I cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to all dog owners, and I am committed to providing valuable information and insights that will be beneficial to all.

If there is a specific topic that you would like me to cover, please do not hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment or suggestion.

I am always looking for new ways to help and support dog owners, and I welcome the opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have. Together, we can work towards creating a better world for every dog on the planet.